Welcome to Talamh Beo

Talamh Beo Presents The Hedge School

The Talamh Beo Hedge School is the group’s educational area. Visit our library to find relevant, interesting links & articles from around the web.

 Our video blog section features a series of talks, interviews and webinars hosted by Talamh Beo core group member, Breda Larkin. There is something for everyone here, from mob grazing advice, to holistic farming and even a rap written by Breda on the theme of “The Land is on Drugs”! There are many more videos on our YouTube channel, so be sure to 

You can also quickly access our updates from the EIP Soil Biodiversity Agri Project and follow our on the ground learning.

Our educational material includes pamphlets & explainers which are an excellent recource, not only for farmers, but for students and anyone who is concerned about farming & food production in Ireland.

Hedge School Library

Choose a book from our library and click on the bookmark to access interesting links and articles from around the web on each topic. Our TV links to a great list of educational videos relevant not only to farmers, but anyone interested in ecology, food and nature. Be sure to check back regularly for updates.

Our YouTube Channel

The Talamh Beo YouTube Channel has a selection of relevant videos on a wide variety of subjects – here are some of our favourites – be sure to click through and explore.

EIP Soil Biodiversity Agri Project Updates

Educational Material

The Talamh Beo Explainer Series – part of Talamh Beo’s Soil Biodiversity Literacy & Enhancement Project.

Here you can find viewable and downloadable PDFs of our educational material. Click on the expand icon to view the PDFs in your browser.

Vol. 1 Food Sovereignty - Beginners
Vol. 1 Food Sovereignty - Advanced
Vol. 2 Agroecology - Beginners
Vol. 2 Agroecology - Advanced
Vol. 3 Local Food Policy - Beginners
Vol. 3 Local Food Policy - Advanced
Vol. 4 Common Agricultural Policy - Beginners
Vol. 4 Common Agricultural Policy - Advanced
Vol. 6 Climate & Biodiversity
Vol. 7 Seed Sovereignty
Vol. 8 Living From The Land

Our Funding Partners

The Soil Biodiversity Literacy and Enhancement project is an EIP (European Innovation Partnership) project being administered by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The Project is funded by the EU Recovery Instrument Funding under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022
