Welcome to Talamh Beo


Welcome to Talamh Beo

Food policies by the people, for the people!

We believe that farmers and communities should be at the centre of decision-making for food and agriculture systems and developing agricultural policies.

We stand for a system which puts the power back into the hands of farmers, communities and citizens instead of corporate interests and industrial agriculture and food production.

Talamh Beo are Ireland’s only members of the European Coordination Via Campesina – itself part of La Via Campesina, the international movement of farmers with more than 180 member organisations in 82 countries.

By joining Talamh Beo, you are joining an international movement working for agroecology, regenerative farming and food sovereignty.

Woman & boy with cabbage
Our food system should
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Talamh Beo

What We Stand For

Industrial Chicken Farm
Gleannan Bui Chickens

Which would you prefer?

Local food producers need your help and support! We all know that locally produced, nutrient dense food is best for us and our families, so make your views heard & tell our government that we want to move away from industrialised agriculture and back to supporting our local food producers!

A vision of a better future
through locally produced food

We want to create a better food system in Ireland, where all people have access to healthy, nutritious and affordable local food.


  • Food, fuel and fibre sovereignty – Read more about the Six Pillars of Food Sovereignty here
  • Land use which improves social, economic and environmental conditions
  • Resilient rural and farming communities
  • Direct access to culturally appropriate, nutrient dense, quality and local food
  • Every citizen having access to healthy, regionally produced, affordable food from farmers they can trust

Talamh Beo Core Group Members

We aim to ensure a living landscape where people and ecosystems can thrive together
