Welcome to Talamh Beo


1. ” When we conduct a microbiological assessment, we need to get 1g of soil and/or compost for the sample. The 1ml mark on the test tube would be useful, however, most 15ml tubes start at the 2ml mark. Dr. Aga will take you through how to get a 1ml mark on your test tube.”

 2. “An earthworm count is an important part of your soil health check. Dr. Aga takes you through how to get an earthworm count (part 1), how to record the earthworms (part 2), and how to identify the earthworms (part 3).”

3. ” Soil infiltration tells us how quickly water moves through our soils. The rate is different for different types of soil, and if the soil is compacted, the water will pass through it more slowly. Dr Aga has designed a simple experiment you can all follow to assess your soil infiltration.”

1. ” A soil aggregate stability test is a critical indicator of soil health, biological health, water-holding capacity, and the presence of mycorrhizae. Dr. Aga takes you through how to set up a soil aggregate stability test using materials found at home.”

Our Funding Partners

The Soil Biodiversity Literacy and Enhancement project is an EIP (European Innovation Partnership) project being administered by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The Project is funded by the EU Recovery Instrument Funding under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022
