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'Dr. Aga's experience of Dr. Elaine Ingham's Launch Your Lab (LYL) Educational Course

As Dr. Aga completed each section of the LYL educational course she wrote a small blog describing her overall experience and the topics included in the course. Although Dr. Aga is a scientist with years of experience and a very impressive track record of published papers, she thoroughly enjoyed the course learning loads of new information. She is delighted to have got the opportunity to study and examine part of the Irish Agricultural system that would not be included in the conventional curriculum. 

Hopefully, Dr. Aga’s blog will be helpful to anyone who is interested in completing the course but unsure of what is included.   

Dr. Aga's Experience of the Launch Your Lab (LYL ) Educational Course

1. Understanding Soil
2. Benefits of Soil Food Web
3. History of Soil Food Web
4. Microorganisms
5. Working with Soil Food Web
6. Biocomplete Compost
7. Microscopy

Our Funding Partners

The Soil Biodiversity Literacy and Enhancement project is an EIP (European Innovation Partnership) project being administered by The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The Project is funded by the EU Recovery Instrument Funding under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022
