Welcome to Talamh Beo

Old Holly Farm

EIP Soil Biodiversity Project Participant


Denise Moran


Abbeyshrule, Co Longford

Water Catchment Area:

Upper Shannon

Land Use:

Traditional Mixed Farm, Market Garden, Pigs, Sheep, Cattle, Fowl

Old Holly Farm

Denise & Richard Jones of Old Holly Farm in Abbeyshrule, Co Longford are second time farmers having farmed previously in Mayo before moving to Dublin for seven years to refurbish an old Georgian house. Their search for a farm that had woodland, old hedgerows and that had not been intensively farmed, led them to Old Holly Farm, where they moved in May 2021.

They have spent the last seven months sorting out roadways, drainage, ponds, field divisions, pastures, arable areas, yards and refurbishing the old stone house and cottages. This farm consists of 26 acres of good pastureland and several acres of Oak and Sycamore woodland and an area of mixed species trees. Their overall plan for the farm and woodland is to be self-sufficient in food and fuel for themselves and their animals. Two & a half acres is to be given over to their market garden and they are about to start erecting poly tunnels and laying out vegetable growing areas. 

Richard & Denise are firm believers in regenerative farming, biodiversity, working with nature and old traditional organic methods. Their animals will be part of this closed loop system, where they aim to grow animal fodder on-site. Richard likes to work the land with horses and traditional machinery, so no supersized tractors or plant here! 

They intend Old Holly Farm to be a place of learning and shared experiences for others who seek a viable alternative to the industrial farming practices that prevail today. 

Denise & Richard introduce themselves, their farm and their interest in the soil biodiversity project in this short clip.

Denise & Richard introduce themselves, their farm and their interest in the soil biodiversity project in this short clip.

We are stewards of God’s creation on a traditional mixed farm; protectors of the soil, water and woodland.

Denise & Richard Moran-Jones

EIP Soil Diversity Project

Denise’s farm at Abbeyshrule is a traditional mixed farm, the land being deep, well drained mineral derived from mainly acidic parent material – acid brown earths & brown podzolics. 

By participating in the EIP Soil Diversity Project, Denise has trialled and documented a range of technical innovations  (such as bioNutrient meters) and physical innovations (e.g. soil biological activators, mineral amendments, biochar, green manure, compost, compost teas, inoculants etc) and  perfected making biocomplete compost and tested for success. You can see a video of Denise preparing and making her compost pile below. 

Having already completed Dr Elaine Ingham’s Launch Your Lab (LYL) educational course, Denise has embarked on Elaine Ingham’s Consultant Course. At the end of the course, Denise will be a trained and certified Soil Consultant. Denise’s course progress, trials and results are available in her farm project report below.

On the 26th September, 2022, Denise held a specialised event where she prepared and made a 40 bucket biocomplete compost pile. The event was filmed as a resource for our website.

You can check out Denise’s course certificate and find out more about her trial plot, experiment and baseline soil test results in her project report.

Project Report

Old Holly Farm

Old Holly Farm - Making Compost

Denise prepares and makes a 40 bucket biocomplete compost pile. The "recipe" is included to help those who want to try this out for themselves!

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meet our eip soil biodiversity

Project Participants

Find out more about our project participants and their farms. Follow their journey, see their results and learn how they benefitted from their EIP Soil Biodiversity Project participation.
