Our full submission created after consultation with our members is available to read or download below, but we would like to summarise some of our main points.
Agroecological farming needs a voice in the discussions. Agroecological farming, where people and the environment are put first, is not represented at stakeholder tables. Talamh Beo leads agroecological farming (regenerative / permaculture / holistic/ biological / organic) on the ground and should champion it at agricultural stakeholder forums as a social partner.
Talamh Beo supports a transition to Agroecological farming systems.
We want to see the CAP move away from a focus on industry, agribusiness, growth and global markets towards a focus livelihoods for family farms, builds resilient and thriving communities and ecosystems and supports food sovereignty, care and well-being.
Talamh Beo wants all landworkers to have equal access to BISS payments – 100% convergence from the start of the new CAP in 2023! We want equal payment for delivery of the same responsibilities, regulations and targets (climate, water, biodiversity, pollution etc). All people who work on and produce off their land should be able to access BISS payments
Irish citizens want to live in a thriving environment and have access to high quality food produced by farmers earning a fair wage whilst regenerating ecosystems and soils. This local food should be affordable to all people, including the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in our society. If we can give out milk at schools, we can give families vouchers for chemical free, nutrient-dense locally grown produce.
You can view or download our full, comprehensive 2021 CAP submission below or read our explainers.
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